2. Objectives and learning outcomes


  1. To increase knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of disaster in its different dimensions of risk, context, impacts and environmental and public health consequences.
  2. To increase the knowledge and understanding of the strategies for disaster reduction under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction  and to increase skills and abilities for implementing the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)  actions.
  3. To provide students with the technical knowledge that allows them to take effective decisions in the process of disaster management, ranging from the risk reduction to response and recovery.
  4. To provide knowledge and skills to analyse the potential effects of disasters, as well as develop strategies and actions to prevent, reduce and manage negative public health effects.
  5. To prepare students for carrying out advanced research on disasters and on health-related aspects of disasters, providing the knowledge and skills to design, implement and evaluate research.
  6. To help students open up to other working and living styles, through the exposure to other countries and cultures

Learning outcomes

  • Capacity to understand and manage the different types of disasters considering their specificities.
  • Capacity to integrate knowledge and to analyse, evaluate and manage and respond to the different public health aspects of disaster events at a local and global levels, even when limited information is available.
  • Capacity to describe, analyse and evaluate the environmental, social, cultural, economic, legal and organizational aspects influencing vulnerabilities and capacities to face disasters.
  • Capacity to work theoretically and practically in the processes of disaster management (disaster risk reduction, response, and recovery) and understanding their interconnections, particularly in the field of the environmental and Public Health aspects of the disasters.
  • Capacity to adequately prioritize, plan, implement and monitor public health interventions in disaster, based on needs and risks.
  • Capacity to obtain, analyse, and communicate information on risks, health needs and lessons learned from earlier disasters in order to formulate strategies for mitigation in future scenarios with the ability to clearly present and discuss their conclusions and the knowledge and arguments behind them.
  • Capacity to design and perform research on the different aspects of the emergencies and disaster while demonstrating insight into the potential and limitations of science, its role in society and people’s responsibility for how it is used.
  • Capacity to analyse and evaluate research work on the field of emergencies and disasters while demonstrating insight into the potential and limitations of science, its role in society and people’s responsibility for how it is used.
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