Global Disaster Medicine – Health Needs and Response aims to further the development of expertise and competency in global disaster medicine through research, teaching and training, policy dialogue and field work in disasters. Their main focus is to: increase the capacity of the Swedish disaster response system by spreading knowledge and experience from global disasters, as well as acting as a standby for field work and for advising Swedish authorities; improve and strengthen both Swedish and international medical responses to major disasters, by creating and validating tools for needs assessments and evaluation; create conditions for improved trauma triage by studying methods for development and use of clinical prediction models, generate new knowledge on treatment of wound trauma, and better understand ethical challenges and moral stress of disasters on the mental health of responders. They collaborate closely with, among others: The Centre for Health Crises at KI, the WHO and Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), along with a number of universities in Sweden and around the world.