Scientific Papers >> Zerbo A, Castro Delgado R, Arcos González P. Conceptualization of the Transmission Dynamic of Faecal-Orally Transmitted Diseases in Urban Exposome of Sub-Saharan Africa. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 2022; 15: 1959-1964. de enero de 2022
Scientific Papers >> Kharb A, Bhandari S, Moitinho de Almeida M, Castro Delgado R, Arcos González P, Tubeuf S. Valuing Human Impact of Natural Disasters: A Review of Methods. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Sep 13;19(18):11486. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191811486. PMID: 36141766; PMCID: PMC95171941 de enero de 2022
Scientific Papers >> Tahreer Mahmoud Amro, Pedro Arcos González, Eduardo Montero Viñuales, Rafael Castro Delgado Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Stress and Burnout Levels amongst Emergency Medical Technicians: A Cross-Sectional Study in Spain. Annals of Medicine 2022, 54:1, 3007-3016, DOI: 10.1080/07853890.2022.21377351 de enero de 2022
Scientific Papers >> Castro Delgado, R., Fernández García, L., Cernuda Martínez, J., Cuartas Álvarez, T., & Arcos González, P. (2023). Training of Medical Students for Mass Casualty Incidents Using Table-Top Gamification. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness,17, E255. doi:10.1017/dmp.2022.206.1 de enero de 2022
Scientific Papers >> Castro Delgado, R., Pérez Quesada, P., Pintado García, E., Marañón Zabalza, I., Vallina-Victorero Vázquez, M., & Escribano Balín, R. (2021). Alternate Care Sites for COVID-19 Patients: Experience from the H144 Hospital of the Health Service of the Principality of Asturias, Spain. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 2021; 36(6): 774-781. doi:10.1017/S1049023X210011022 de enero de 2021
Scientific Papers >> Cernuda Martínez JA, Castro Delgado R, Arcos González P. Self-perception of theoretical knowledges and practical skills by primary health care physicians in life-threatening emergencies according to their gender: a cross-sectional study. Medicine 2021; 100: 8.1 de enero de 2021
Scientific Papers >> Zerbo A, Castro Delgado R, Arcos González P. Conceptual frameworks regarding waterborne diseases in sub-Saharan Africa and the need of for a new approach to urban exposomes. Epidemiol Health. 2021;43:e2021079. doi: 10.4178/epih.e2021079. Epub 2021 Oct 6. PMID: 34645205.1 de enero de 2021
Scientific Papers >> Rodriguez-Llanes JM, Castro Delgado R, Pedersen MG, Meneghini M, Arcos Gonzalez P. Surging critical care capacity for COVID19: key now and in the future. Progress in Disaster Science 8 (2020); 100136. DOI: de enero de 2020
Scientific Papers >> Romero Pareja R, Castro Delgado R, Turégano Fuentes F, Jhon Tissar-Vasallo I, Sanz Rosa D, Arcos González P. Prehospital triage for mass casualty incidents using the META method for early surgical assessment: retrospective validation of a hospital trauma registry. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2020; 46 (2): 425-4331 de enero de 2020
Scientific Papers >> Zerbo A, Castro Delgado R, Arcos González P. Vulnerability and everyday health risks of urban informal settlements in Sub-Saharan Africa. Global Health Journal 2020; 4 (2): 46-50. DOI: de enero de 2020