Autor: Admin
“I am so delighted to express my feelings for this program. I actually learned the concepts and principles disasters epidemiology and research. Most importantly i did gain knowlege on how to manage and do research in disasters and low resource settings while taking into consideration the essential needs of the victims”
EMMPHID was like a dream came true because it gave me a perfect opportunity to learn what I exactly want to pursue in a dynamic environment with an innovation teaching style. Undoubtedly, one of the most important aspects of this joint course is that we taught by a best specialists in the field, most importantly, the syllabus was well-designed, both key theories in the subjects and practical simulations were combined perfectly.
“The EMMPHID Program showed me that there is a career in Public Health in Disasters where I can contribute both in practice and through research to prevent/reduce mortality and uphold the dignity of fellow human beings”